November 4, 2013

Singapore, Mason. Mason, Singapore.

(Image heavy post)

Darling Mason,

While you were in Singapore, you met family...

(This last one is my absolute favourite! It totally depicts what happens when you try to squeeze kids aged between 4 months and 13 years into one photo!)

you slept in the beds (and arms) of friends and family..

we ate..

We had so much fun. You basically had a non-stop, two week long cuddle fest. Everywhere we went, everyone we visited.. They all held you and you loved it!

It was your first ever vacation! And while I know you will have no memory of it, I hope you know how proud it made me to take you around to the places I've loved since I was a little girl. It isn't in my control exactly, but I do hope Singapore becomes one of your favourite places like it is mine. Australia will always be home but that tiny little island holds so much for me, and I hope it will for you too.



  1. Love love love the shot of the kids on the couch!

    1. Ha! It's a crack up, isn't it? I can't wait to show it to him when he's big enough to understand it all :) x

    2. Thank you Bron! So lovely of you to drop by my humble corner of the internet x
