February 3, 2014

Stills: A weekly collection (THE SINGAPORE EDITION V2.0)

1. Cuddles with Uncle Tim as he scans the crowd
2. My uncle is the greenest thumb I know. If he only knew how many plants I have killed in my time.
3. Making my 2nd point again.
4. I am so thankful for the availability of things like these when flying with a baby!


  1. The collection of books is such a wonderful idea. I always have a pile of books on our window seat for Miss 9. I change them around weekly and I find she loves sitting there in the sun and reading through the pile. Wishing you a great week!

    1. Thank you! I do love the idea of a child who loves a good book :)

  2. Those bonsai's are amazing! thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos. Jo xx

  3. The photos are beautiful and look soooo warm.
