January 30, 2014

Our favourite books

Recently I've been trying to develop a habit of reading to Mason. Just whenever he is getting fussy an bored of his toys, I take him into his room and spend a few minutes with our favourite books. I know he is still little and mostly grabs the book I'm holding so we end up having between 2 and 6 books open at any time.

But it doesn't matter because I thoroughly enjoy those precious moments with him. He sits in my lap and we go through these books together. I don't usually read Love You Forever finish because the end kind of makes me want to cry.

I always enjoy escaping into the depths of a good book and only hope Mason grows up loving to read. What are your favourite books - mamas and babies?


  1. I'm not a mother but my favourite childhood book is the very hungry caterpillar!

  2. Even after all these years, I adore Dr Seuss, especially The Grinch who Stole Christmas and The Lorax. I read Guess How Much I Love You? every single day to my baby bump and it was one of our favourite books when he was a baby. Even now that he is nearly 10 years old (gulp!), I still quote it to him when he's a bit sad or ill.

    For a bit more fun, we both adored Charlie and Lola by Lauren Child. I could tell how tired my big boy was after the end of the school year when he put on our old Charlie and Lola DVDs x

    1. Thanks Kim! I'll be sure to add these to our list :) x
