February 6, 2013

Ketchup time!

So.. Someone's been a busy bee the last few weeks. You know, the usual. Take on more than I could ever accomplish alone then get cranky at my husband at the most inappropriate of times.

This baby of ours has been moving up a storm in here and there is no mistaking it for gas anymore! Luke has felt a few kicks and always says something like "Boom!". Depending on what I wear, I sometimes feel huge and other times, I don't look pregnant at all.

Luke took that photo of me a week ago at 22 weeks (I'm 23 weeks now) and it feels like we are on the home stretch. We were laying in bed the other night and looked through all the old ultrasound photos and it seemed so odd that only 12 weeks ago, this little man was the size of a kidney bean. He is now the size of a papaya and according to our iPhone apps, he'll grow 7 times in the next 4 weeks (WUT?).

My best friend's wedding is this Friday and I cannot wait. It feels like its been a long time coming and with how often we hear horrible news on TV and shit just happening all over the world, it is so wonderful to know that whatever happens this Friday, two beautiful people will be pledging their lives to each other and the day will be filled with so much love.

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